Kothari International School is nestled in the heart of Sector-50 Noida (U.P.) and its tech-savvy learning environment coupled with green open areas and playgrounds provides the right ambience for our commitment to nurturing equipoised, skilled and futuristic global citizens. The building and infrastructure is state-of-art and aesthetically designed. It houses all the three wings; Junior, Middle and Senior in one integrated complex. The School Curriculum caters to every child being unique. Students have the freedom to hone their skills according to their interests, be it Sports, Arts, Music, Culinary or a plethora of other activities. Above all, it is here that Students learn to build bridges, sustain relationships, live in harmony and with integrity and look out at the World around them with tolerance and compassion. Most importantly, our Children learn to present to the society an ‘attitude of gratitude’. Life at KIS is a multi-hued tapestry, each vibrant and glowing thread woven and interwoven with care to provide the ambience for a holistic growth and to create young women and men of substance for a better today and tomorrow.
To unleash the latent talent and hidden reservoir of organisational skill of our young Kotharians, we conceptualised this mega event the ‘Shri M M Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious - 2022’. The holding of the FEST is an endeavour to initiate the collaborative working of students. The platform launched, is a dream actualised by the leaders of Kothari International School. Students have worked tirelessly from the very inception of the concept. They have envisioned, conceived, created and will now execute the entire Fest on their ‘own steam’ with Teachers guiding them where needed . The ‘Shri M M Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious - 2022’ is a mega FEST with an array of events/ activities to challenge every aspect of a growing child. The Fest includes Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics.